值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台 Awarded Connections II Prime Contract Valued Up to $5 Billion

值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台, a leading provider of federal IT and engineering solutions, 今天宣布,它已经获得了一份美国合同.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Connections II (CNX II) contract. Under the Multiple Award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, which carries a ceiling of approximately $5 billion over nine years and three months, 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行将为所有联邦机构电信提供全面支持, 网络和通信需求.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行通过在清理和未清理的环境中提供国家服务,支持联邦政府的关键基础设施需求. 该合同为我们的客户提供了实现其关键任务通信和IT需求的有效途径,威廉·C说. 胡佛,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行总裁兼首席执行官. “我们很自豪能够通过Connections II合同继续解决联邦政府面临的技术挑战.”

根据合同条款, 值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台 will help meet government agencies’ equipment, 建筑, and campus infrastructure needs; provide professional services to support existing networks; and design customized client-specific solutions.

CNX II将有四个解决方案集,旨在为联邦政府提供一系列电信基础设施设备和服务, 包括:

  • 通讯和网络

  • 大楼/校园设施准备

  • 运营、管理和管理(OA)&M)

  • 客户服务和技术支持

值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台 is currently a prime contractor on the existing Connections contract, under which new task orders may be placed only through January 2012. 授予连接II合同, which has a three year and three month base period and six one-year options, will allow continued service to current and new customers through January 2021.